Brady Solomon - Report Manager

Brady Solomon is studying software engineering as a major. He is also minoring in English. He has interests in software and game development.
Brandon Xicon - Report Manager

Brandon is majoring in software engineering with interests in app development, data science, and the connection of hardware with software.
Julio Torres - Schedule Manager

Julio Torres is a senior majoring in electrical engineering with interests in VLSI Design, Hardware Design and Semiconductor Devices.
Mitchell Anderson - Arbitrator

Mitchell is majoring in computer engineering and physics with interests in embedded systems, software development, video games, and modern physics.
Seth Braddock - Communications Liaison

Seth is studying Computer Engineering with an interest in embedded systems, app development, audio applications, and game development.
Stephen Brooks - Facilitator

Stephen Brooks is a senior in electrical engineering with interests including VLSI circuit design, computer architecture, embedded systems, music composition, and video games.
Trey Wiegmann - Passive Collector of Information

Trey is a majoring in electrical engineering with specification in Automatic Control Systems and Discrete Analog Circuit Design and Remote Control Cars.